Welcome to the Alpha Build!

Get ready for the One-Stop Parent Resource and school administration platform that connects all parents within the community.

Download the App

 Ready to jump into Involvvely? Well let’s get to it! Simply click the download button and install away. Remember – this is the Alpha Build of the Involvvely application. This represents the basic functionality of our application. More features will be added for the Beta and full release, but for now, hop in, take our One-Stop Parent Resource for a test drive on you and your families devices of choice!

Getting Started

Now that you have the Involvvely Alpha Build installed on your device – let’s get started!


  1. Create your account. 
  2. During the first signup generate your family code and write it down.
  3. Create co-parents or family members account, during their sign up they will enter the generated family code to link accounts.
  4. Create your child’s account and enter the family code.
  5. Enjoy the Involvvely app with your loved ones and let us know what you think!